Manage Tasks and Milestones in the Progress Report

This section walks you through the process of managing tasks and milestones within your Progress Report. You’ll learn how to interact with tasks, add updates, and manage milestones efficiently. This will allow you to keep track of your project’s progress and ensure key deliverables are met on time.

1. Accomplishments for Current Reporting Period & Planned Tasks for the Next Reporting Period

These sections display tasks pulled from the Kanban board based on the selected reporting dates. 

  • Task Interaction: 
    • Tasks listed in the Accomplishments or Planned Tasks sections can be renamed, deleted, and come with a link icon. 
    • Clicking the link icon will copy the punch link to your clipboard. 
    • Hovering over the task will display the Punch ID, which you can click to navigate directly to the task in the Kanban board for viewing or editing. 
  • Adding Updates: 
    • You can add unlinked updates by clicking the + icon next to the section title and select Add Update. 
    • Enter your update text and click the + Icon to add the update to the section. The update will appear without a link icon. 
    • To add existing tasks to the section: 
      1. Click the + icon next to the section title and choose Select Existing.

2. A list of tasks from the Kanban board will appear. 

3. Check the tasks you wish to include, and these tasks will appear in the section with a link icon. 

2. Milestone Table 

  • Sorting by Status: 
  • The Milestone Table will automatically sort milestones by status: Progress > Completed > Backlog. 
  • Clicking Milestones: 
  • The Milestone ID and Milestone Name are clickable. Clicking on them will take you to the specific punch for that milestone, where you can view or edit its details. 

By utilizing these task and milestone management features, you can stay organized and ensure that your project is progressing as planned. Whether adding updates, interacting with tasks, or sorting milestones, QPunch provides all the tools you need to track progress effectively.