Search Kanban

Search option in Kanban Board helps you to filter the punches displayed on the Kanban board based on your preferred options. This documentation helps you better understand how to search/filter using different special characters in the QPunch Kanban Board.

  • Punch Title – You can simply type any character on the search box and all the punches containing that set of characters will be filtered as result.

Here in the screenshot, the word “Draft” was searched and all the punches that includes the word “Draft” was listed.

  • Ticket Number – You can search any ticket using it’s unique number by simply placing an exclamation mark (!) before the number.

  • Category – To filter based on category, place an ampersand (&) symbol before the category you wish to search.

  • Labels – To filter punches based on labels, use Hash (#) symbol and then type the label name which you wish to filter.

  • Username – If you wish to filter punches based on username, use an at the rate (@) symbol in front of the name to be searched.

  • Priority – Dollar ($) symbol is used to filter punches based on different priorities like Highest, High, Medium, Low, Lowest.

  • Iteration – If you wish to filter punches based on the Iterations in which they, are part of, you can do it using the Asterisk (*) symbol.

  • Additional Field – If you have any additional fields configured in your project, you can filter punches based on that as well, simply by using a Char At (^) symbol.

  • Multiple filters – QPunch also offers options to search based on combinations of filters. You can combine more than a filter by using comma (,)

The above screenshot shows the filtered results for the user Ierin, which are falling under the category Development. The titles like Category, Label etc. changes as per how it’s renamed in the configurator. Also note that the search bar is case insensitive.