There are different ways to do collaboration with the team in Qpunch Smart Project Management Tool. Kanban Board is one among them and is implemented through agile methodology. To access the Kanban Board, click on the board icon against the project in the QPunch home page.
As part of your implementation process, punches can be moved back and forth across the swim lanes and it’s visible to everyone within the team
Newly created activities fall under the first swim lame, Backlog for instance. Once these tasks get assigned to a user, it moves to the second lane, which is named as Assigned here. The assignee takes the punch to Work in Progress as they start working on it and puts it into Quality Assurance once completed. Somebody would test it and either it goes live or back to Assigned lane.
These swim lanes are customizable and can be renamed based on the project type. To rename the swim lanes,
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