How to set Tasks Toggle Settings?

A Task comprises a comprehensive set of instructions that require careful consideration regarding whether it should be enabled or disabled. Task toggles play a pivotal role, automatically switching between enabling Tasks and disabling Tasks in the project settings.

How to enable/disable task toggles
  • Choose the project to configure. Click gear icon.
  • Click the project configuration tab to allow you to specify the settings of the project.
  • Task toggles are visible in the project configuration, where you can easily enable or disable task functions. Currently, the task toggles are disabled, rendering them non-functional in the system.
  • Here’s the steps on enabling task in the project settings, particularly in the Kanban board. Toggle on the button for a specific task to enable functions in the system. In this sample, Issue Task, Group Task, Task, and Task Move are enabled in the system.
  • Click the update button to save changes in the project settings.
Enabled Function: Issue Task, Group Task, Task, and Task Move
  • Click the Kanban Board tab on the top right corner of the Project Configuration Settings.
  • Click the create punch tab to open the the task box.

  • In the task box, all functions are enabled—task, group task, and issue task. Here, you can input specific details for each task requirement of the project. Please note that the enabled task move is visible in the kanban, allowing you to move any task from one lane to another.
Enabled Task Move
  • In the Kanban board, it allows Users move tasks from one lane to another based on the status or progress of the task. For example, sales forecasting task in assigned lane can be drag and move to progress lane depends on the status of the task. You can select any specific task to move accordingly to the right lane.
Enabled Issue Task
  • In the Kanban board click “Create Punch” tab. Task box will appear, click “Issue task” to create task that has some associated problem or challenge that needs to be addressed to alert team members.
  • Write a title of the task and description, and this task may be linked to indicate that the start or completion of one task is dependent on another.
  •  Linking task involves creating connections or references between tasks to establish dependencies, facilitating straightforward navigation or easy reference between related tasks. In the sample below, Limited Budget is link to Product Knowledge. Click “X” button to save.
  • Click create tab to save.

  • In the Kanban board, click Product Knowledge task to open, where the issue task is linked.


  • The linked “Issue task” is visible in the right below corner of the task box.

Enabled Group Task

  • In a Kanban board, group tasks involves creating tasks within a specific column or swimlane, streamlining the workflow for better organization. Click “create punch” tab to open task box. Click “Group Task” create group title and description related to the project.

  • Add Child task to allows for a more detailed breakdown of work, making it easier to manage and track progress.

  • In this sample, there are two child tasks added – Sales Pitch Practice and Sales Process. Click “X” button to save.

  • Click create button to save.

  • In the Kanban board, created group task is visible in greyed color, on the top column of the added child tasks.

Enabled Task

  • In the Kanban board, enabled task means to initiate or start a new task in the workflow. Click “create punch” tab to open task box. Here you can create new task, add assignee, set category and label, start date and write description of the task relevant to the project.


  • Click create to save new task in the Kanban board.

  • In the Kanban board, new created task with assignee is visible in the assigned lane. Note that new created task without assignee will be visible in new lane.