Manage Risks, Issues, and Lessons in the Progress Report

This section outlines how to manage risks, issues, and lessons learned within the Progress Report. It covers the process of tracking and editing risks, resolving issues, and incorporating lessons learned to enhance project outcomes.

1. Managing Risks 

Risks are added and managed directly in the Risk Register.

  • In the progress report, risks are interactive. By clicking on a risk, a pop-up window will open, enabling you to edit the risk directly within the report. You can also turn off the progress report toggle to remove the risk from displaying on the report. 
  • After making changes, click Save to apply the updates instantly, without leaving the page. 

If there are open risks that are classified under any of the three categories, the respective RAG color in Project Details will turn to Amber (Caution) status. 

  • You can change the RAG color to Green (On track) Status by either: 
    • Modifying or closing the risk in the Risk Register. 
    • Toggling off the progress report toggle of the open risk. 
    • The RAG color for the respective classification will then change back to Green (on track) status as there are no open risks. 

2. Managing Issue Tasks 

Outstanding Issues in the progress report are automatically pulled from the Issue Tasks in the Kanban board. These tasks contribute to the classification (Scope, Time, Quality) in the same way as risks.  

  • If there are open issue tasks that are classified under any of the three categories, the RAG color in Project Details will turn Red. 
  • You can change the RAG color by either: 
    • Modifying or closing the issue task in the Kanban board. 

Linking to Issue Tasks: 

  • Clicking on an issue task in the progress report will redirect you to the Kanban board, where you can view and edit the task details directly. 
  • Closing the issue will revert the RAG back to Green (On Track) Status. 

3. Lessons Learnt 

Lessons Learnt are added and managed directly in the Lessons Learnt  in the Project Settings.

  • Adding/Editing Lessons Learned: 
    • Lessons learned are clickable and will open a pop-up window for editing. 
    • You can edit the lesson, then click Save to instantly apply changes. 
    • You can also toggle off the Progress Report to hide the lessons learnt from displaying in the progress report

4. Other Features in the Progress Report 

  • Save Button: 
    • At the top of the page, click Save after making any changes to ensure your updates are stored. 
  • Export View: 
    • Click the Export View button at the top of the page to export the progress report as a Word document or PDF file. 


Effectively managing risks, issues, and lessons learned helps to mitigate setbacks and drive improved project outcomes. These tools enable proactive management, ensuring all aspects of the project stay aligned with objectives for success. With these features, you can ensure that your project progress is accurately tracked and easily reported on a timely basis.